There are many factors that make up good camping, from choosing your company wisely to knowing what to bring without burdening yourself with unnecessary trinkets. Of course, you need the experience to nail an awesome camping adventure, but it can be done if you’re willing to learn.
One of the very first things to think about when it comes to pitching your tent somewhere in the great outdoors is the location of your campsite. Finding a perfect spot to spend a couple of days in nature taking care of everything isn’t as easy as finding any place and just calling it dibs. There are many aspects to take into consideration and I want to talk about them and how they will help you to find a perfect place for camping.
Planning and Research

Whether you’re going on a hiking trip or you plan on backpacking through a particularly scenic area, it’s very important to think about camping arrangements in advance. You need to know for sure if there are any restrictions when it comes to setting up a camp in a certain place, or if you need special permits to spend a couple of days with your tent somewhere.
Often you’ll find you’ll have established campsites available and you should take full advantage of these because you don’t want to risk getting in trouble. In case there are no specific regulations when it comes to camping, then you’re welcome to set yourself up wherever you think is best, though this can actually be a more challenging option for newbie campers.
Flat Dry Ground Is the Best Way to Go

Now that you know where you’re going and what you can expect, the next step is to choose the exact location of your campsite. First, you want to start with the flat ground that allows pitching your tent securely, so that there aren’t any mishaps that will leave you without a roof over your head in the middle of the night. It’s desirable to find a place that is somewhat elevated so that you’re not in danger from flash floods plus you’re more visible in case you need any help.
If at all possible, don’t set up camp on the side of a hill, as rocks, as well as water, can easily go downhill and you can be in a world of trouble in no time. Also avoid anything that looks unstable, from crumbling cliff sides to widow makers – unstable rotten trees or branches that could easily end your camping in the worst way possible were they to fall.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings

You should strive to leave as little impact as possible on your surroundings, which means doing your best to leave everything as it was before you camped there. Bringing your own food is great because you won’t be tempted to go hunting and fishing and disturb the natural order of things.
If you don’t feel like lugging around too much food, there are survival meals that are a great solution, as you get all the nutrients you need and they’re quite light to carry. If you’re not familiar with the vast world of ready-to-eat meals, you can check out Augason Farms review to learn more, there is plenty of useful information that will make your camping experience easier.
When it comes to fresh water, you want to situate yourself very close to the source of it, without polluting it in any way. It would be wise to boil all the water you find in nature, no matter how clean it looks like. Waterborne pathogens can wreak havoc on your metabolism and you really don’t want to have to deal with it without a hospital close by.
Weather Conditions

Another thing that could make or break your camping experience is you not positioning your campsite in accordance with the elements. You want a spot that will protect you from strong winds, like large rocks, cliffs, as well as trees that grow closely together.
Another way to make sure that the wind won’t keep you up at night is to set your tent entrance away from the way it’s blowing, so that there’s no unnecessary noise during the night. You will also want to locate yourself in a place where you’ve got good sun exposure, but you can move to shade quickly, if it becomes too hot. Camping in the valleys might not be the best idea, seeing that’s usually where all the fog and damp go to during the night and it’s always colder in meadows.
In time you will learn what it takes to find a good campsite and make the best out of it. There are many tricks and tips that you can use, but in the end, it all comes down to your ability to evaluate the circumstances you’re in and make the best of them.
Happy camping! – Howard Scalia
Howard Scalia is 37-year-old former scout leader from Austin, Texas, and one of the best and most trusted blog writers at When he's not working on some new interesting article, he enjoys taking long walks in the woods with his dogs.

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