Do you like to go on camping or fishing trips? Are you an adventure junkie? Are you always prepared for a trip in the wild on a weekend? Are you all geared up? Do you have the best survival knife there is for when situations go south? Do you know how versatile a survival knife can be?
If you own a survival knife just to impress your peers, then you might not know what the real power of it is. A survival knife with sheath didn’t get its name from just looking dangerous, but rather being useful in dangerous situations. Apart from showing off your dangerous personality, owning a survival knife has the following advantages:
+ Camping in the woods can be extremely dangerous because no one really understands the wilderness well enough to predict or be prepared for threatening situations. People usually prefer going for adventurous camping trips which bleed of dangerous activities because amateurs and adventure junkies often ignore the ‘Unauthorised entry prohibited’ signs to get that adventure adrenaline running through their body, and in situations like these, a survival knife can really come in handy.

1. Face-off with a fierce animal- It is not very uncommon to find yourself trapped with a wild animal, where a survival blade can save your life. Hunters usually carry guns to kill animals and then use a blade to cut it open, but survivalists carry a sharp, reliable blade to stab any animal that may hurt them.
2. Marking your way to building a campfire- From cutting branches and marking trees to building campfires; a survival knife can be very useful in the wild. The path can be confusing and difficult to pass, so if you want your trip to be perfect, then bring on a blade that can help you mark and clear your path, whenever needed. And yes, you would need campfire at night to fight off the cruel cold winds. So, find shelter and build a campfire with your blade right away!
Having a showpiece-worthy knife won’t be enough; you will have to have a knife worthy of its name, survival knife, carved for situations like these to keep yourself safe, and what’s better than a fixed blade survival knife which can be used to stab a huge animal or build a campfire without any second thoughts.It is better to take full precautions than to be sorry later on.
+ For people, who like going to fishing trips, a survival knife is an essential tool to always keep inside their kit bag.

3. Cutting lines to remove the hook- If you are planning to use an improvised tool to cut lines or remove the hook, then you are new to this experience, it seems! Improvised tools are good, but sharp blades are better and convenient. If you are already aware of this situation, then why not keep a razor-sharp blade in your bag, and you’re good to go.
4. Cut and cook the fish- A serrated blade can be useful in cutting the fish to cook a meal for yourself. As already mentioned above, it can also be useful in building fire. Fire it up, and start cooking some delicious fish!
An improvised sharp tool can hurt you real bad. Be it a pocket knife or a folding knife; both are equally useful and important for fishing trips. Folding knives are preferred by many people because they take up less space in their bag and are easy to carry around.
5. First-aid tool: The above two activities express the need for a survival knife to protect oneself in dangerous situations, but what if you are already in one? You might get hurt from an animal attack, get hit by something while doing adventure activities or while trying to remove the hook with your hands, then what will you do? How will you cut a bandage or a herbal leave to stop the bleeding or treat that bruise? Too many questions, all leading to one single answer- a survival knife.
If you have carefully chosen your knife, then you know how to use it to cut up a bandage or carve a herbal leave for your wounds because if you are planning to build something sharp to use it to cut up bandages then you are not going the right way my friend. The risk of hurting yourself from an improvised tool is more than a survival knife, and when your kit is already so stuffed, why carry two different sharp objects when a single one can do all the work; always keep a sharp survival knife with you!
There is no harm in keeping a handy blade which can be used in a variety of situations. Being an adventure junkie does not mean you have to invite danger by not being prepared for situations; instead, it means jumping in wild situations with everything you have got to walk your way back again. Be prepared! Be wise! Keep a blade by your side!
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