Going on a camping trip is exhilarating! Just the thought of it makes your heart beat faster! Nothing beats the great feel of the outdoors! Imagine the color of the sky as it changes throughout your journey. Imagine the crackle of leaves as you walk and tread the mountains. The smell of fresh air is relaxing!
Then, here comes the night. As get settled, you put down your bags and set up your tent. Now, it’s time for dinner, and you and your friends sure are hungry! Oh! You’re tasked to start a fire! You grab your bag and search for your lighter. Unfortunately, you don’t have it! You left it at home! Just beside your flashlight! Oops! You forgot them both!
But you’re not worried. You know how to make a fire! You just need some firewood and dried leaves, and friction! Wood and leaves are everywhere! Now, you reach for your pocket to get your knife to cut and split some wood to its right size. Unfortunately, you also left it!
That, my friend, is the reason why you need a camping checklist before you go out! Let me help you make a list, so that next time, you will not forget the important stuff!
What are the most important things you must have on a camping trip? Here’s some stuff you need to include on your list and why you need them.
+ Shelter & Bedding
+ Clother
+ Hygiene
Other Neccessities
Final Words
These are some of the essential and important stuff you should have when going outdoors. Make sure you tick all the items in your camping checklist before you go out! You don’t want to be caught off guard when you are outdoors! Surviving is your priority. You don’t know when something bizarre may happen.
It’s better to be ready for anything! Just don’t overdo it! It’s still important to pack light. You don’t want to exhaust your energy on carrying stuff you won’t be using. On the other hand, bringing a lot of food will not be a problem! Your companions will be delighted with it!
I hope this post helps you build your checklist! Feel free to leave a comment below, and I will connect with you soon! Had fun? Share it! Don’t hesitate! Thank you!
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